韓国頭痛学会のByung-Kun Kim先生およびChin-Sang Chung 先生 から、11月8日から11日までソウルで開催されるAOCN 2018(アジアオセアニア神経学会)と会期中10日に開催されるARCH 2018への日本からの参加を切望するメールがARCH関係者に届きました。
Dear All speakers and chairs of ARCH 2018 meeting
Thank you again for your active participation and contribution.
We should be most grateful if you would encourage your colleagues and trainees to submit abstract and
join ARCH meeting.
We would like to inform you two important news.
1) Abstract submission deadline extended 9 September 2018.
2) We will offer travel grants to all trainees who submit the abstract (regarding headache topics).
Please see the application guideline below:
The Travel Grant Application Guideline
1) To apply, all applicants are required to submit their abstract with the application form and short curriculum vitae to the secretariat of AOCN 2018 at the email address info@aocn2018.com by September 9, 2018.
2) Only one author per a paper will receive $500 USD in cash as a travel grant at the venue on the congress day. (The travel grant will be provided once, even if one author submits two abstracts or more.)
3) Those who receive travel grants should receive an acceptance notice of the submitted abstract and will be required to present their abstract in the Oral or Poster Session of ARCH/AOCN 2018.
4) All applicants are required to register the congress on the website.
5) The official website of ARCH/AOCN 2018 is www.aocn2018.com.
We are looking forward to many participants.
Best regards
Chin-Sang Chung / Byung-Kun Kim
日本頭痛学会代表理事 鈴木則宏